Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Meet Them Dawgs

I was taking photos the other day during the dogs' play time. Hahahahaha! I have all these photos, so I might as well use them for a blog post. Just brief introductions on my dogs followed by their photo. Hehehehehe.

This here is Boxer.
The Alpha in the pack considering he's the eldest among the rest.
He's really old now though.
How we got him?
I was 7 or 8 when I brought him home. (Imagine, that was like 12 years ago).
He was just a little puppy which belonged to a neighbor.
I played with him a lot outside our neighbor's house since our neighbor didn't mind it. If I'm not mistaken, I took him home one day because our neighbor said I can have him. Yea, I did that without asking my parents first. My parents came home from work and did I get a lot of scolding. Hahah! Funny thing was I tried to hide him from them but failed obviously. I begged them and finally, I got to keep Boxer. Today, he belongs to my mum.

This here is Frodo.
Yes, my mum who is a LOTR fan named him that.
How we got him?
My brother  JJ took him home from a visit we had over at an uncle's place a long time ago. He was just a puppy that time. He was tiny but today, he's one of the biggest dogs we have. He's big in size and lovable as well. He behaves like a cat if he wants you to pet or play with him.

Meet Smokie.
The next in line to be Alpha Male.
What you get is definitely what you see.
How we got him?
Another one taken in by JJ. He found Smokie in a deep drain when he was a puppy nearby his work place. Poor thing. It was a really hot and dry day. If JJ didn't hear his puppy whimpers, he could have had actually died from the heat. JJ took him home and gave Smokie to me as a late birthday present. The little helpless puppy in the drain turned out to be one of the fiercest dogs we have towards strangers. The funny thing is, around us, he can be the most nicest and lovable dog.  

This is Snoopy. A.K.A. Putut.
This girl belongs to my sister Amy and her husband.
She happens to be their first child apparently.
How we got her?
A friend of my brother in-law's mother gave it to them. Snoopy is small in size but has the biggest attitude problem compared to the rest.She may be small but when she starts to bark. I have no words. She has a problem with our gardener who has been working for us for many years. Don't know why but we think she may be racist which is very very bad. Love her nonetheless. 


Meet Milan.
Cute name, right?
Because I gave it to her.
My sister Amy and her husband's second child.
How we got her?
To make the story short, my brother in law just came home with her one day. She was so black and fluffy when she was a puppy. She looked worse than a mop apparently. We called her 'The Creature'. Today, she's more grey than black and she doesn't look like a creature anymore since I take time to groom her when needed. She's too adorable for words.

This here is Zorro.
MY Zorro.
When he was a puppy, he had a pair of black patch around hi eyes and that's how he got his name.
He doesn't have them now though.
How we got him?
My aunt and uncle who lives next door gave him to me. He can be wimpy and aggressive. Has issues with other dogs going over to me asking for love. Very jealous baby. I remember when I had to leave for my studies in another state, he fell into depression. When I was away, he didn't want to eat or play. Before I left, when I was packing my things into my luggage, he actually went on top of the luggage and slept there. When I got back after so many months, his depression was cured completely.  

Meet Bandit.
JJ and his wife's only child.
He was given the name Bandit because my brother thought it was cool.
How we got him?
JJ's wife's friend gave him away to them when he was just a puppy. He was so so so tiny then but now, he's big. The youngest but also one of the biggest among the rest. I think it was right for my brother to name him Bandit. He steals food and eats too much for his own good. He's also one of the wimpiest. He's scared of my mum's duck decor. Don't let that fierce pounce stance fool you.

Meet Sergio.
Only full bred dog we have.
He's a Belgian Shepherd while the rest of our dogs are 'amjing kampung'
How we got him?
He was given to us by an uncle. He wasn't capable of taking care of Sergio anymore since he was always away for business. He's actually my dad's but since I'm the one who is always walking him and feeding him and bathing him, my parents decided that he should be my dog. He can be a handful since he can't socialize with the other dogs or they will get into a bad fight. He gave some of my dogs stitches. Anyway, he's loving towards human beings but definitely aggressive towards other animals.

Meet Simba.
He so does not suit his own name.
So not Simba material if you ask me.
How we got him?
He was given to us by an uncle who had stroke and became paralyzed. (What is it with uncles?) My uncle and his wife were not able to look after him anymore after what happened and almost came to a final decision to put this poor boy to sleep. My mum and I felt really sad that they were going to do that and asked if we could take him in since no one else would. That time, we already had 8 dogs to look after but because we felt sorry for Simba, we took him in. He can be a nice dog but honestly, his former owners spoiled him too much and until today, he has really bad attitude which gets on our nerve. He has a very annoying bark as well and doesn't like to socialize with the other dogs. He thinks he's better than everybody else.

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