Wednesday, February 11, 2015

7. Pet Peeves

Well, what a way to start a blog post after months of going into seclusion and with a Pet Peeve Post which is so long overdue! (It's part of the 30 day writing challenge!) Hah! I am by far the most undedicated, uninspired and unimaginative self-proclaimed writer. I know I'm bad- Just awful and yet- Here I am, struggling to put down thoughts into words and for what? Self- fulfillment? To make a point? To whom? 

The thing is, I just want to write. I don't have to be good at something just to love doing it. And for me, the only problem is, I burnout real quick. I can go on a writing rampage just typing away on my laptop about whatever interests me and then BAM! I go on a very long hiatus. There are countless times when writing is all I know- The only thing I can do especially to spill out contained thoughts and emotions that I am incredibly terrible at doing verbally. Ugh. Sigh.

I love writing, I really do. It's the best way and sometimes the only way I can express myself. I haven't been writing lately and have failed to update my blog consistently not because I don't have anything to write about (Trust me, I have loads to say!) just that I've been pretty demotivated to put them all down on paper. It's like I've caught some 'aspiring writer dead-end' disease that's difficult to just shrug off. Today though, I think I'm cured from the despicable ailment and am ready to step out of hiatus! So, here I am again trying to make right of all the lost time! 

I will now pick up where I left of! Let's do this!


I know, I know. I've practically failed the '30 Days Writing Challenge'- You don't have to remind me but I'm going to finish it anyway! I MUST! 

The last topic I did was about my views on Mainstream Music and now I shall talk about my top 5 Pet Peeves.

Where do I start? Gosh. I guess the top on my list would be Hypocrites. Ooh, how they can get on my bad side and that is why I choose to avoid them. I don't think anyone find Hypocrites (Yes, with a capital 'H'!) to be an acceptable ally. I definitely don't but they're out there on the loose preaching what they don't practice, wearing only plastered faces. Did you know that in another term, hypocrites are also known as Plastered Saints? It's sad, lying to people like that and worse, lying to themselves. Be real! 

My next pet peeve would be people with really GINOURMOUS egos. I can't. I just can't. (Yes, yes. I know you're all that. Yea, good looking. Yea.. Well, I don't really care, man. Don't have to be all up at my face about yourself, Narcissist). The thing is, everyone has an ego. Hell, I do too! Sometimes, I have to admit, I can have a big one but not to the point where I thrive by putting people down with it. I won't tell you, "Hey, I'm better than you so you shut up, alright?". That is why I often hurt egos- Not feed them. Got to break them before they turns into a ugly Mutant Vain Blobs. NONE of that. Na-uh.

Do you see guys frequently taking pictures of their biceps and six-pack and posting it on social media? And most of the time they're the same old sculpt angle and in-your-fsce poses? With the same captions and hastags? #legday #checkoutmyabs #gym whatever. And they look so good you just wanna lick them? Well, none of that for me. Fine, I get it. You go to the gym and you're fit as hell and yea, you have a body that is Godsent! Okay, okay. Well, I can't stand it that you have to flaunt it ALL the freaking time! It doesn't even have to be all the time but frequently doing it annoys me anyway. The obsession with your own body is just Ugh! (See, how annoyed I am?) #yourobsessionerksme 

I cannot stand for the life of me people who do not value silence. Silence is so sacred. It's wonderful to bask in silence once in a while and to appreciate it especially during solitary moments. It's rather unfortunate that they're so many who do not even know how to be appropriately silent in places that require for them to BE SILENT. For instance, the library and the cinema. I'm usually quite tolerable but behaving like you own the freaking damn place for you to coffee-house-chat, make loud obnoxious remarks and laughing during inappropriate times and think it's okay is totally UNACCEPTABLE. It's not okay. NOT OKAY. 

Finally, I find litterbugs and those who spit anywhere/everywhere *bleach* to be despicable. Yes. I absolutely cannot tolerate those who I catch littering when there's like a damn trashcan just there- Right there! It's there for you to utilize and you just leave your shit for another person to pick up after. Like, what's the deal, man? And you spit so very openly for all to see and hear! Oh my gosh! Is your saliva gland broken? Really? You need to get that checked because it's the worst reflex to have, like, "Oh, some saliva has formed in my mouth. Must get rid of it. Must SPLIT!". It's so much worse when phlegm is involved. Why? WHY?! 

Sigh. I can be tolerable and I am- Most of the time but the above are things I have zero tolerance for, really. The list goes on actually but I think I'll leave that for another day. 

Until then, avoid the Hypocrites, bruise the Egos, #erk, appreciate Silence and SPIT AND LITTER NOT!

Live, Love, Laugh,

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