Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Croc Farm Tuaran

Yea, I got a call from Vivien today. Both of us were bored out of our skulls and decided at the last minute to go out together but had no bloody idea where to. 

But somehow, as if like magic (this often happens with us and I have come to believe we're soul mates), we both thought the exact same place to head to. 

The Tuaran Crocodile Farm-- Of all places!

It's telepathy, I tell you

Our spontaneous trip begins.

Vivien picked me up at my place at noon and then  drove us there. It took us about half an hour or less to get there from Menggatal.
Below is the sign by the side of the main road.

We each paid RM10 for the entrance fee.
I kept telling myself it better be worth it.
RM10 is a lot of money. HAHA!

When  we got into the place, it looked extremely deserted.
It was.
There wasn't a single visitor around but ourselves.
We expected at least a few but really, there were none at all!

Vivien and I.
Vi looks like an absolute superstar next to geeky me.

Rock Stars on their awesome steeds.
Thank God there was no one around to see us making fools out of ourselves.


That's one hell of a big fish.
Should have seen it with your own eyes!

Never before have I seen so many Koi  fish in my entire life until today.
Vi and I fed them and they behaved like hungry piranhas it was scary.

Cat fish.
I was like WOW.
Never seen so many of them!
They were just as hungry as the Kois!
They were waiting in line to be fed by us, it was bizarre!  
And when we fed them, oh my gosh...
They went berserk!

What we came for and we got it alright.
We met all sorts of crocodiles!!
It was one hell of an experience actually seeing them close up.

Here's Vi.
Excited like a little kid in a candy store when she saw them crocodiles up close and personal for the first time.
I love this shot.

I was flabbergasted when I saw this.

Vi was going on about how FAT this crocodile was.
She said it looked 'cacat'.
Oh, anyway I must point out the spelling error.
No, no.
It's Sexuality.
But then again, I think it's the wrong use of word here. 

Crocodile with birth defects.
Poor things!
First one has a short tail and the following one has a hunchback.

This one here was HUGE!!!
Read the description on this fella.

Some more crocodiles

WARNING: Cute animals alert.
I was tempted to take them all home.

Yes, Bearcat.
An adorable Bearcat, mind you.
We fed him with bananas and it ate them in just 2 chews.
Vi said it has the exact eating habit as herself. 



Little tortoises and a lost lizard

Otters which Vi fell in love with because of their cuteness.


Payaus, Yau~
Bambi's parents.
Love them, love them, love them.
Wanna take them home!

They have birds here too!
Check it out~

 Well, if you ask me, I actually had a good time with Vi at the crocodile farm. I liked it that they had a sort of variety of animals there to see.

HOWEVER, I was very dissatisfied with the condition of the place. The maintenance was definitely off. Some things were spoiled and broken and the management should really do something about it. That's one.

Another really really huge turn off is how the animals there are being kept. Some of them do not have proper places to live in. I don't think that they are all fed properly either because they seemed as if they were starving when we gave them some food which was definitely not enough for all of them. Some of them looked sickly too.

I just hope that the management will look through this matter. Maybe they don't have the fund but it's important that the animals are given the right to a proper place to stay, enough food and medical attention that they need as well.

The notice at the entrance.
We didn't actually see this until when we were leaving the place.
So, yea. 
We could have died for all we know from getting eaten by crocodiles and no one there was going to hold responsible.
Our lives were at stake and we didn't even know it!


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