Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Morning Is Here

Woke up to the sound of B.E.P.'s Dum Diddly on my alarm at 7.45 this morning. 

As much as I wanted to press the snooze button and continue sleeping under my comfy covers, I forced myself up to get up to face whatever crap the day has to throw at me today.

Plus, I had some obligations to look after. (My baby niece, my laundry, my dogs, etc).

Anyway, I should really get myself out of bed by 7.30 a.m. everyday. I feel bad for wasting daylight away on sleep. There's so many things to do and so many things to get done! Sigh. 

I better make the best of my term break while I still can! 

Note to self:

This morning's breakfast. A glass of milk and pepper crackers. 

Very light stuff but I'll be having a big lunch later. Hehe.

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