Sunday, October 16, 2011

To all young girls

I was going through Gala Darling's website when I stumbled on her 'Advice For Young Girls' but I think this list was taken from another unknown source.

Anyway, I read it and it brought back those old school girl memories.
I just want to point out that I, just like many other  girls out there was this young girl with a lot of insecurities in a world full of external elements which could have easily destroyed me.
(Can't say I have no insecurities at all now because I've got tones. Nothing I can't handle though)

But somehow, through the angst of being a teenager, I found a stable foundation that kept me grounded until today.

For me, having a spiritual foundation was one of the major things that helped me through. I prayed, not to say a lot but I prayed and I still do make time for prayer to this day.
I make sure that I pray before going to bed and sometimes it helps me reflect on several things that are going on in life.
I reflect on myself especially.
From my actions ,to how I felt, to things like my desires and doubts.
Other that, my faith thought me how to count my blessings.
It's very important for one to count his blessings.
My family was another part which made the foundation.
I went through a phase where I believed that everyone was against me especially my family.
I'm sure a lot of us go through that.
In time, thankfully I realized that my family did nothing but supported me in everything.
It just took a little time and self-realization for me to finally figure out that I was my own enemy.
Finally, choosing the right friends.
Friends play the most important role in your life when you're in high school.
Peer pressure can be pretty deadly when you think about it.
The things teenagers do these days just to please others, to feel wanted and to be accepted.
It's hard to battle all of these bad influences when your 'friends' are the ones responsible for it.
Anyway, all I can say is, I'm just very blessed with friends that I can rely on and leave a better impact on me and who accepted me for who I am.


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