Monday, June 11, 2012


It's so trivial how some people can be so... so... Inconsiderate and ungrateful.

Yes, I've said it. (I just wish I could say it to your face.)

In life, you can't expect things to be given to you all the time and expect them to be given to you on a silver platter and believing you're so deserving of them. In the end, it becomes a bad habit and all you're good at is just TAKE TAKE TAKE.

Not only that, you TAKE without showing appreciation. You TAKE without any gratitude. Who exactly do you think you are?

I don't know how you can live with yourself everyday knowing how much you owe others with the debt you accumulated. Oh wait, I don't think you know since it's so like you to turn a blind eye on such matters. That just makes you extremely selfish as well.

You're living a good life. It may not be perfect but it's better than nothing. You have a family who loves you despite your flaws, a roof over your head, a job, etc.

Yet, you take them all for granted.

I guess you still haven't figured it out yet. You haven't learned. You haven't had the chance to taste the bitterness of losing the things you love and cherish. You don't know what it feels like when the things most valuable to you gets taken away.

I don't want to sound so spiteful, I love you no matter how much you tend to hurt me with the things you do-- Or don't do but how long will this go on?

Things won't keep arriving on  silver platter for you. It's high time you realize that. The things you have now, the comforts and leisure which you own-- They won't last. The only way to keep getting what you want and keeping what you have is by working your ass off for them.

It's also nice if you know how to repay those who have provided you with everything. At least a very sincere Thank You.

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