Thursday, March 14, 2013

Breathing In Serenity

Woke up from my 'sufficient' 6 hours of sleep this morning only to receive news from my lecturer that our morning class will be postponed. A good start to a Friday, I must say.


I asked someone who was happier. The Past Me or the Present Me?

He said the past Me.

Well, these are trying times for me. A lot is going on and I don't know where to begin to sort out all the craziness. I promised myself at the beginning of 2013 that I'll be a more happier, organized and productive person. Haven't been doing a good job at it since the start. It's March and I can't even keep myself together. Total fail.

Ah, well. some things that's been going on have pulled me down. I've sunk to the bottom time and time again. It's like being in the middle of the ocean where the waves just keep pounding on you and just when you thought it's over and you've reached the surface of the waters, you're dragged down again. I guess that's the reason I can't get things right. Been awfully demotivated as well. Sigh. 

But I'm going to change that starting from today. I need to push myself towards better things. I've decided, It's time to move on!  

I call it, Negativity Detox.

I did some meditation and found out why I've been how I am lately. I also found out possible solutions to my problem. 

One is, I've been neglecting doing things that I love to do. Those things were my source of happiness. So, starting from now on, I'll slowly get back to those things. If you wanna know what they are, it's writing, reading and praying.

I know. Not so impressive but I noticed that these things actually help me cope with life better. These mere silent activities is like food to me! Stopping them all together I guess killed something inside of me. Crazy huh? But it's true. Reading, Writing and Praying has a way of healing me. Even now as I'm writing this blog, I begin to see things in a much better light. My perspective on things are better and negativity is slowly making its way to oblivion. 

Other than that, I must learn to accept things as they are now. Changes have a way of shaking our inner peace because adapting to it takes time. I'm giving myself time to accept these foreign happenings even if at first it just hurts too much to do so. But changes taken in by a positive heart can lead a person to great things. All this while I've been handling them wrongly. Pretending not to care. Turning a blind eye. Refusing to accept them. The harder I stood my ground, the harder the fall I took from the blows of the changes.   

So, I'm breathing in serenity. Letting go of things that hold me back from my own happiness.

Times have changed and now I know, so must I.

It's time to LIVE, LOVE & LAUGH again.

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