Tuesday, October 18, 2011

What's Holding Us Back?

I believe that everyone and anyone can achieve amazing things in life.
I believe that everyone is capable of doing incredible things be it for themselves or other people.
It's just that those of us who struggle to reach our most desired dreams, goals and true happiness have the tendency to be held back by so many elements.

The people around will hold us back by telling us we can't.
The lack of financial security will hold us back by giving us the idea that we can't.
But these things can be overcome if we only realize that what's the major problem here is ourselves.

Our many fears have made it impossible to continue to strive through  this journey we call life.
If you don't begin to realize now that you are your own enemy and don't fight those inner demons which weigh you down from living, from experiencing true happiness, from being the best that you can be, then you'll forever be caged by your own self-conflicts.
There's no way for you to escape it and you will never be able to break free.
So, start learning to let those things which hold you back go.
Take it a day at the time.
It's not easy, but you'll never know where you will get in life if you don't even try.

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