Thursday, October 27, 2011

Failure in Friendship.

So, yea. I don't know if it's just me or 'The Arriving' of that time of the month again but seriously, I've been contemplating a lot on the times when I actually needed my friends to be around during tough times. Most of the time, I've been let down and I've been made disappointed over and over again. 

Here's my 2 cents on 'friendship'.

I guess I can't say I've been the worlds's greatest friend either.

I'm sure most of my friends think the same about me and how I wasn't around when they needed me the most.

So that's just it.

As we grow older, we end up with so few friends that we can actually rely on out of the many we used to have back during our school days. It's a fact that no one can actually keep all the friends they have no matter how hard they try to. The more you try, the harder it actually becomes to stay attached. Everyone is so caught up in their lives so I guess you can't blame anyone, right?

It hurts when I think about it sometimes but bonds of friendship will never stay the same. Some break over time. Some begin to tear at the seams. If you're lucky, maybe it just has a few cracks. Cracks that could be fixed.

I'm not trying to be the victim here because I speak for all. This here is a general statement and if you only realize how true it can be sooner than later, you'll actually end up less disappointed and hurt.

We have a different clique back during our school days. Then when we start college or university, we end up finding a different group of people who make us whole. Somehow, after leaving that chapter in life and starting a new one in our career, those people tend to slip through our hands like sand. It's definitely a normal thing.

So, don't get angry at everyone for leaving and don't blame anyone if your friendship isn't how it used to be. 

It's just life and it's many wonderful natural phenomenons. 

Friends. You start out having so many of them but in the end when you're at your lowest, you ask yourself, "Hey, where's everybody?". 

Reality check. 

No one sticks around for too long especially during the hard times but it's okay. That's how you learn to depend on nobody but yourself. 

Life's not just about growing up. It's about growing apart and realizing that at the end of the day, it's your own two feet that you will be standing on.

Remember, we grow apart so that we come to appreciate how much more we are capable of when we are on our own.

Sometimes, when friends walk away, you'll realize how much BLOOD can be thicker than WATER too. 

Oh, one more thing. Appreciate your friendship now as long as you still have it. Those people who weigh you down are not worth your time. Those who stick around even during your shitty times-- Don't ever take them for granted.

Not quite my sun-shiny self, so yea. I'm really having a war with myself because of PMS, so excuse me... Hahahahaha!


Until the next post, you make sure to...

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