Monday, May 14, 2012

Don't baby me.

Babied. (Verb)-Treat (someone) as a baby; pamper or be 
overprotective toward.

Awww... How nice to be babied...

Well, unless you want to get on my bad side, I dare you.

I don't like to be babied (unless I say I want to be babied and unfortunately it doesn't happen often). Yea so, when I'm treated in such a way even after making it very clear to back off-- Congratulations! You just made yourself a new enemy. 
*celebration song starts playing* 

What I'm trying to express here is my utter dislike towards people who think me incapable of doing things on my own. I am entitled to independence and space. Yes. S.P.A.C.E= Space.

The only people who are allowed to baby me are my parents. Oh yea, I don't even let my boyfriends baby me (much) so... Please.

People need to know that when I say I want to do something without assistance, I mean it. I know how to open my own mouth to ask for help so don't fret over me so much. If you're just doing it because you care and really really think that I need to be babied, then I might consider but if ever I sniff that you're doing it for all the wrong reasons even just a tinnie tiny bit, I will have some kind of ugly grudge against you for a long, long time especially if you are persistent even after I've warned you.

I'm programmed this way and I can't help but get upset over this 'matter'.   

Just sayin'.

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