Saturday, March 16, 2013

I Volunteer As Tribute

A man once told me that if you really loved someone, the things that you do for them, the time you give, the efforts you make into putting their well-being above yours should never be called as sacrifice.

If you really loved someone he said, you volunteer.


- The surrender or destruction of something prized or desirable for the sake of something considered as having a higher or more pressing claim.
- The thing so surrendered or devoted.
- To surrender or give up, or permit injury or disadvantage to, for the sake of something (or someone) else.

The definition of sacrifice clearly states that it is something unfavorable. It is something that destructs and causes pain.

As wondrous and beautiful Love is, it's been abused too many times, if not, all the time. People blame Love for all the wrong reasons. Love isn't suppose to be destructive and as much as I want to believe it, Love isn't suppose to cause so much pain either-- But it does. We can't help but hurt. Truth is, it's sacrifice that gives Love a bad name.


Most of us have been there. Sacrificing so much for the people whom we care about because we think it's an obligation to do so. What we don't know is that in time, all the sacrifices that we make turns us into bitter people. You're not supposed to treat your relationship like it's an obligation. It's not a day job. It's not a chore. Treat it so and you have totally misunderstood the true meaning of Love.

Sacrifice tend to cause people to expect things in return.
"I've done all of this for you. It's time you return the favor."
And when the expectations aren't met, it makes us angry and bitter.
"I've given you everything and this is what I get in return?"
Well, honestly, I think we have all experienced this.
I know I have.

We really believe that Love is all about give and take but purely it is not. It's unconditional and does not need repayment because to Love is to volunteer.


- A person who voluntarily offers himself or herself for a service or undertaking.
- A person who performs a service willingly and without pay.
- To offer oneself for some service or undertaking or purpose.

Sacrifice seems like such a strong word but I realized how much Volunteer means a hell lot more. It's because to offer oneself willingly without asking for anything in return is so much more harder to do than to sacrifice. Making Love your purpose-- Now that's just excruciatingly tough.

So? How many of us are willing?

 It's not easy but knowing where our error is in Love can help us to improve the growth of our relationships. Mind you, this does not only apply to love relationships but also to friendships and family bonds as well. We must start to understand what Love is really all about and try our best to treat it the way it deserves to be treated.


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