Tuesday, February 26, 2013


Here's your 2 cents on Long Distance Relationships from an Unattached Girl.
Unless you don't want an unbiased opinion and advice on relationships from a single, I suggest you close this blog.

You can be totally, completely and madly in love at first and the next thing you know, just after a few months into the relationship, you find yourself trying to work things out.

That's absolutely common. Nothing new there.

It doesn't matter if you're in a long distance relationship or not, the relationship needs to be nurtured, cultivated, cared for everyday in order to grow and blossom. The only difference is, long distance relationships require extra work and attention. You can't expect it to take care of itself.

And I wonder... Why some people think it can....

It's definitely not easy trying to make a long distance relationship work. Hearts tend to grow weary of always longing for what's out of reach and minds begin to unintentionally doubt each others significant other. The only thing that can assure one another are text messages sent more than once a day to say I'm thinking of you, I miss you, Wish you were here, etc... Or long conversations over the phone to talk about each other's day. That kind of attention is needed in any kind of relationship.

The assuring of your significant other that you still care, you're still interested and always concerned no matter what. The girls especially can be demanding of attention but won't say it or show it often. So, if a guy skips a day out of the ordinary to not contact her, she'll start to wonder stuff that aren't so wonderful.

We're just born that way. Well, I don't really know about myself since I never cultivated any relationship for more than a few months. Anyway...

We need that extra TLC and it's the partner's responsibility to know it and to provide it. As for the ladies, you have to, have to, have to understand that the world does not revolve around you. You can't be seeking attention from your partner 24/7 and expecting him to do the most outrageously romantic thing for you like in the movies. Please. Stop right there. That's when you believe that happiness can only come from the attention he gives you and that's not right.

Absence makes the heart grow fonder.

Know the meaning behind that and your relationship can avoid things like, "You're so selfish!", "You're so demanding...", "Everything I do for you is never good enough."

But please bear in mind that too much absence is just as bad.

So, here's my closing.

If in a long distance relationship you have this problem of not communicating and somehow maybe only one person is making the effort, that's when it's a sign that things can't really work out. It's already bad when you're so far away and trust can be an issue and you add the problem up by not communicating--- What in the world?? And even after having a civilized talk about it, a change still isn't made--- Just end it already. What's the point?

If you're the only one trying to save the relationship, you're just gonna sink together with the ship. So, abandon ship. Save yourself. That's all I can say.

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