Tuesday, September 9, 2014

"I wear my granddad's clothes. I look incredible."

Yea, you heard me right. 

The plaid shirt I'm wearing belonged to my late grandfather and it was one of his favorite shirts. I remember seeing him wearing it often when he went out to town to have coffee at his favorite kedai kopi. I actually found the shirt the other day when I was rummaging through my mum's closet. 

I was actually trying to search for some clothes that I can borrow and wear to classes. (The new semester has just begun, so I really needed some new *snorts* outfits to wear to class). She happens to have some really nice outfits that she never wears, just so you know. After finding some clothes that I liked, I saw the shirt in all its familiar glory. The image of my grandfather immediately crept into mind and a pang of miss and loss got to me at once. I took the shirt out and tried it on. It didn't fit me perfectly of course but it wasn't so incredibly baggy either. It was just the right kind of comfortable looseness that I like. Then I remembered how tall and slim of a man my grandfather was. Even at such an old age.

After trying it on, I showed my mum the other clothes I wanted to borrow. She gave them all to me, including my grandfather's old favorite plaid shirt which she said she was glad to hand to me. Reason was because she knew I will wear it and it made her happy. She also gave me some other clothes she didn't want anymore including a pair of white jeans she thought that I would like. (Oh, yes. Love it!)

I LOVE hand-me-downs and honestly, most of the clothes I own now are hand-me-downs and thrift shop finds! I LOVE thrift shopping!!

Anyway, I wore my grandfather's shirt to class today as an outwear over a tank top and paired it with The Sister's Blue Jeans ( Hehe :3) and my CR2 Pink Mary Jane's. 

I really love the shirt but most of all, I love the wonderful precious memories of my late grandfather that comes with it. (Missing you so much, Papa).  

Here's another shot of me wearing the shirt with Rebel as a prop. LOL. Jokes.

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